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Solana Doubler Game Logo

General Information

What exactly is this game?

It’s simple – you invest your Solana, and after 5 days, you get double the amount! Yup, you read that right. Double your Solana, no tricks, no hidden fees. Just pure Solana magic happening every 5 days.

How does it work?

Just deposit your Solana with us, and then sit back and relax for 5 days. Once the time’s up, your investment will have magically grown to double its size! It’s like planting a Solana tree and watching it grow money… except much faster!

Is this for real? It sounds too good to be true!

Oh, it’s real alright! But we get it, it sounds crazy, right? That’s why we encourage you to start small if you’re unsure. Once you see the results, you’ll know we mean business!

What’s the minimum amount I can invest?

You can start with as little as 0.001 Solana. Whether you’re a high roller or just testing the waters, we’ve got you covered.

Can I play multiple times?

Absolutely! You can make a new deposit every 24 hours if you want to keep the excitement rolling. Once you’ve doubled your Solana after 5 days, you can reinvest and keep the cycle going. The more rounds you play, the bigger the potential gains!

Are there any risks?

Like all investments, there’s always some level of risk. But we’ve designed this to be a game where you win big, and we work hard to keep it that way. Just be sure to invest wisely!

What happens after 5 days?

Once the 5 days are up, you’ll have double your Solana and we will transfer it to your payout wallet

How do I track my investment?

We’ve made it easy for you. You can monitor your investment on our platform and watch the countdown to payday. Your future double Solana is just a few clicks away!


Do you have more than one website?

Nope! We only have one official website, and the address is: Any other site claiming to be us? Not legit—stick with the real deal!

Can people from your team reach out to me?

Nope! Our team will never reach out to you or start a conversation asking for private information. If someone does, it’s not us—stay safe and protect your info!

Do I need to share my private key from my Solana wallet?

Absolutely not! We will never ask for your private key. All you need to do is transfer your Solana from your wallet to the bot’s wallet. After 5 days, the bot will double your Solana and send it back to your original wallet or your payout wallet. Your private key is yours and yours alone—keep it safe!

Do I need to connect my wallet to your website?

Nope, we will never ask you to connect your wallet to our website. In fact, you should never connect your wallet to any website. Your Solana is safe with the bot, no need for any connections!


Can I send Solana directly from an exchange to the bot’s wallet address?

In theory, yes, you could—but it’s a bit risky! Some exchanges use different wallets to transfer Solana, so if there’s no payout wallet set up, the bot will return the Solana to the original address. The problem is, the exchange might not recognize where that Solana came from, and you could lose track of it. That’s why we strongly recommend using an external wallet, not one directly from an exchange. Better safe than sorry!

I didn’t set a payout wallet in Telegram. What happens to my payout after 5 days?

If you haven’t set a payout wallet, no problem! We’ll simply return your Solana to the original wallet where we received it from. So, your Solana will find its way back home safely!

I forgot to hit rescan in Telegram. What happens now?

No worries! Every 4 days, the bot automatically scans all wallets for new transactions. The date you sent your Solana will still be used for the 5-day interval, so you’ll get your payment 5 days after your transaction, even if you forgot to rescan. You’re still in the game!

I transferred more Solana than the 24-hour cap allows. What happens to my Solana?

Oops! If you went over the 24-hour cap, don’t worry. The full amount of your Solana will be returned to your original wallet within 24 hours. We’ll make sure it all gets back to you safely!

I transferred Solana after the game ended. What happens to my Solana?

No worries! If you sent Solana after the game was already over, it will be safely returned to your original wallet within 24 hours. Just sit tight, and your Solana will be back in no time!

Is there a place where I can see all the payout transactions?

Yes! You can track all outgoing payments on our dedicated Telegram channel. Just follow the link: to see the payouts in real time!

Is there a limit to how much Solana I can transfer to the bot?

Yes, there is! When the game starts, there’s a limit of 0.1 Solana per 24 hours. After one week, that amount doubles every 24 hours until it reaches a cap of 5 Solana. So, the more time you play, the more you can transfer! The current transfer limit is X

Why is there a limit on the amount of Solana I can transfer to the bot?

We have this limit in place to keep the game fair for everyone. It helps prevent a “whale” from draining the game with large transactions. As the game runs longer, the daily transfer limit increases, but it’s capped at 5 Solana per 24 hours. This way, everyone gets a chance to play and win!

What happens with funds that are transferred after the game ends?

Any funds transferred after the game ends will be refunded to the original wallet. No worries, your Solana will be sent back!


I didn’t set a payout wallet in Telegram. What happens to my referral payouts?

Referrals are paid instantly when someone you referred makes a deposit. But if we don’t have a payout wallet on file, we can’t send you the Solana. Don’t worry, though—once you set up your payout wallet, future referral payments from that person will be sent to you right away. So, get that wallet ready to start receiving your rewards!

How much is the referral bonus, when do I get paid, and for how long?

Each referral earns you a 5% bonus, and it’s paid instantly as soon as your referral transfers Solana to the bot. The best part? There’s no lifetime limit—keep referring, and you’ll keep earning!

Do I get paid for someone that my referral brings in?

Nope! You only earn the referral bonus when someone uses your unique link. So, while you won’t get paid for referrals brought in by your referral, you can always share your link to keep earning directly!

What happens to my referrals after the game restarts?

Your referrals remain intact! As soon as your referral transfers Solana in the new game, you’ll get paid again. So, your referral rewards keep rolling in with each new round!


How long will this game be around?

The game lasts as long as the bot can keep paying out and doubling everyone’s money. There’s no way to know for sure when it will end, so it’s all part of the fun! Just remember, the bot relies on fresh investments to keep doubling the Solana. So, while the party’s going strong for now, no one really knows when it might wrap up!

How can I start playing the game?

It’s super easy! Just click this link to find our Telegram bot and you’re all set to start doubling your Solana: Let the fun begin!

Do I need to set up a payout wallet?

No, you don’t have to set up a payout wallet, but we strongly recommend it. Without a payout wallet, referral payments won’t be sent and could be lost! So, if you want to claim your referral rewards and ensure smooth payouts, setting up a payout wallet is the way to go.

When does the game end?

The game ends when the bot is no longer able to transfer or pay out a transaction. When that happens, the bot will signal everyone that the game is over. Any remaining funds will be used to (partially) pay out the last transaction. After that, we’ll share all the information about the game’s conclusion with everyone.


© 2024 Solana Doubler Game