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What are the rules?

  1. Deposit Limits:
    • You can deposit multiple times in a 24-hour window, but the total must be at least 0.001 SOL and not more than 0.1 SOL in your first week.
    • Good news: Each week, your max deposit limit doubles! By Week 5, you could deposit up to 5 SOL every day. 🤑
    • If you deposit more than the allowed amount, the excess will bounce right back to your payout wallet or the original deposit wallet.
  1. Payouts:
    • After 5 days, your deposit will magically double and we’ll send it straight to your payout wallet (if you’ve set it up), or back to the wallet you used to deposit.
    • The best part? The 10% network fee is covered by the pool! That’s right—no deductions from your doubled amount. If you put in 1 SOL, you’ll get 2 SOL back, guaranteed (until the pool runs dry).
  1. No Payout Wallet Set?:
    • Don’t forget to set up your payout wallet! If you don’t, any referral bonuses you earn won’t be paid until you do. 😔
    • If you haven’t set up a payout wallet, we’ll still send your doubled funds back to the wallet you used after the 5-day period. But trust us, setting up a payout wallet makes things a lot smoother for you (and your referrals)!
  1. Game Liquidity & When the Fun Stops:
    • The game runs as long as there’s enough SOL in the pool to cover all the winnings.
    • If the pool runs dry and we can’t pay out, the game ends and all wallets will be cleared out. All funds in the pool are used solely for paying out users, referrals, and covering the 10% network fee (marketing, hosting, and dev costs).
  1. Network Fee (10%):
    • There’s a 10% network fee for each payout, but don’t worry—it’s covered by the pool, not deducted from your winnings! That means you still get your full doubled amount.
    • The network fee helps us cover the costs of marketing, development, and hosting so we can keep the fun going!

A Few Final Notes

This is a game—and like any game, it’s about having fun, not making a guaranteed return. Only deposit SOL that you’re okay with potentially losing. The game ends when the liquidity pool is empty, and no more payouts can be made.

By participating, you accept that payouts are only guaranteed while the pool has enough funds. Once the pool dries up, so does the game. But hey, until then—it’s all about the double fun! 🎉

Good luck, have fun, and play responsibly!


© 2024 Solana Doubler Game